PNIA Chair Delivers Keynote Speech at Mining Luncheon

August 11, 2018


PNIA Chairman Isidro C. Alcantara, Jr. stressed the importance of sustainability in his keynote speech during the Mining Luncheon hosted by the Philippine Mining Club on August 10.

“Mining and responsibility go hand in hand. Sustainability is in the mining industry’s DNA, and It has become one of our foremost considerations as we operate,” Alcantara said.

Alcantara added that in the Annual Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programs (AEPEP) reports of PNIA, which were submitted to and approved by the MGB, PNIA member-companies have planted more than 4 million trees. And he says they will continue to do so.

“While progressive rehabilitation is ongoing, members our Association commit to accelerate rehabilitation and reforestation in our mining areas.”

Aside from initiating rehabilitation of the environment, the PNIA and its members are continuing their efforts in giving back to the community through the Social Development and Management Programs. “All of us operate large-scale mines, so as I’ve said earlier, we are one of the most heavily regulated industries,” continued Alcantara in his speech. “To remain compliant, we implement many different socio-economic programs. On this note, I am proud to say that we go beyond compliance – an indubitable mark of our dedication to the future of our host and IP communities.”

Members of PNIA have implemented a variety of socio-economic initiatives: from education for thousands of young scholars, to medical missions, to emergency response training and disaster relief and response; to the community infrastructure that has become indispensable to the local economy, including roads, bridges, piers, and buildings; and to the IP royalties, fees, and taxes that particularly increased regional economic growth. “As you can see in what we have done and in what we are doing, mining created positive change for communities,” Alcantara said.