PNIA’s Commitment to Responsible Mining

March 14, 2017

The Philippine Nickel Industry Association would like to reassure our beloved President Rodrigo Duterte of our steadfast commitment to responsible mining.

The PNIA has always recognized the balance that needs to be achieved between development of natural resources and caring for the environment. It would not benefit the industry to recklessly destroy the source of their bounty.

As such, we operate and strictly adhere to ISO 14001 standards while caring for the safety of our miners as well as tending to the needs of the people in the community. We are partners of our host communities, which is why we make an effort to give back generously to the people–through the help of the local government–and guarantee that they share on the bounty of the natural resources that the Earth has given us.

As responsible miners, we follow the laws and work closely with the MGB and the EMB to ensure that we comply with the conditions in our MPSAs and ECCs.

We make concerted efforts to progressively rehabilitate nature by employing skilled agroforesters and mine engineers.

We share the President’s sentiment against illegal miners. We are glad that the President has acknowledged that there are those mining responsibly, and we share his disdain of those that give our industry a bad reputation. Like President Duterte, the PNIA strongly condemns illegal mining practices.

We are one with the President in his vision, and we fully support his leadership in steering our beloved country towards prosperity and progress. We are partners for change in his administration. Should the President invite us for a dialogue, we would be so honored to present to him our accomplishments as well as our plans for the country.