PNIA Statement on Mining Companies Funding Destabilization Efforts

March 16, 2017

The Philippine Nickel Industry Association expressed its full support for President Rodrigo Duterte and his administration.

The PNIA has made initiatives to support this administration’s anti-drug campaign. We have conducted seminars together with the Philippine National Police within our host communities on the ill-effects of illegal drugs. We sponsor youth and community projects to keep kids in the communities away from drugs. We have also made steps to ensure our workplace is a drug-free environment.

It would not benefit our interests to participate in any form of destabilization of the government. We will not risk our industry and our stakeholders on such nefarious activities.

We reiterate our stand as a partner for change of the government and we are fully behind President Duterte’s administration. We also condemn any form of destabilization directed towards this government.