PNIA Lauds Malacanang’s Statement in Giving Due Process to Mines Ordered for Closure

February 9, 2017

The Philippine Nickel Industry Association (PNIA) today welcomes Malacanang’s statement that the Executive Department will collectively observe due process with regards to the suspension and closure of mines ordered by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources last February 2, 2017.

“We laud President Duterte and his Cabinet’s evaluation on the matter,” PNIA said. “We have always been of the opinion that the decision to suspend mining operations and closure of mines have been arrived at in an arbitrary and hasty manner. Up to this day, we have yet to receive a copy of the audit reports that Secretary Lopez states as the basis for the closure of 23 mining operations.”

Secretary Gina Lopez last Thursday announced that it will order the closure of 23 mining operations and suspend 5 mining operations. But there was confusion as the agency kept changing and updating the list of mines ordered for closure on the day the announcement was made. The agency also refused to show the results of the audit conducted by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB).

“The sweeping order by the Secretary has deprived the concerned mining companies of due process,” PNIA adds. “The PNIA’s member-companies have always been, and will remain, committed to operate responsibly with the highest industry standards and to ensure due observance and compliance with existing laws.”

Malacanang announced that in a recent Cabinet meeting, the Executive Department decided that it will give companies affected by the closures to respond and dispute the audit, or make the necessary remedies to ensure compliance with government standards.

Malacanang added that the Department of Finance (DOF) will coordinate with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in their capacities as concerned government agencies of the Mining Industry Coordination Council (MICC).

“While we admire the DENR’s advocacy, sweeping statements and policies regarding mining will actually bring more problems than the ones they seek to solve. The PNIA will cooperate fully with the Mining Industry Coordinating Council to ensure compliance with regulations and enforcement of environmental impact assessment laws.”