PNIA Statement on CA Decision on the Ad Interim Appointment of Gina Lopez

March 15, 2017

We welcome the Commission on Appointment’s decision on Gina Lopez’s appointment as Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. We believe the CA came up with a fair decision.

Gina Lopez has built her case against the mining industry on tenuous grounds. She did not follow due process in shutting down mining operations and closing mining companies. The audit was unfairly conducted. Gina Lopez, as DENR Secretary and as member of the Cabinet, should have followed the law.

We commend the Chair of the CA, Honorable Senator Manny Pacquiao, in his fair handling of the hearing. We appreciate the fact that we in the mining industry and the oppositors have been given the chance to be heard.

We stand firm in our opposition of Gina Lopez’s appointment. The country would be best served by someone who can balance between environmental stewardship and the development of its natural resources.

Should we be invited again by the CA, we would be more than willing to appear before the commission and present our case against Gina Lopez as DENR Secretary.